Tough Lesson
Just when you relax, thinking everything is going well, and all the things you wanted are granted to you; God shows that complacency and, taking things for granted are words that are not in his dictionary. Tonight He taught me this tough lesson. Tonight He let me know how much harder I need to go, How much better I need to become. Tonight was just one of those games that you know you need to get it done, you want to do it bad enough, but because your mind it's not into it for whatever reason, the game doesn't turn out the way you want it to be, frustrating the s*** out of you. I'm learning to become more strong mentally, not allowing petty things get at me and affect my focus. It's hard, I'm realizing it's very hard, but with God's help I'm going to get through it. If God brings me to it, He'll get me through it. Patience, that's the word of the night, and tomorrow my quote of the day is going to be: What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail ever?....