Breathe It All In...
For some reason I knew this was going to happen... It couldnt be so easy for the both of us, someone would crack, someone would allow doubt and grief get to them. I know what I want, I knew then and I know know, my mind is so set into something, I´m not going to allow time and distance change me, and change what I want... always ready, always prepared to adapt to change. Altho hurts, it is probably the best option; altho I dont want it like that, I´ll swallow it up, digest it and get rid of it. I wont crumble just because she wants to do so; I wont let down just because her indecision and insecurity. I´ll do me, I´ll be me, I´ll keep making me, I´ll keep living for Him... Time now to move on, and get ready for whats ahead, which wont be easy. New places, new faces, new challenges, new routines, new things to see and live. No fear, no hessitasion, never timid, always bold. I cant see it for now, but I visualize it... I dont know how, but I believe I will... I cant touch it yet, but I sure can feel it.... My future, my life, my existence... One Love, divine hands.... Jer 29:11
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